DuLac Networks presents Vade for M365

We are proud to now offer Vade for M365 as part of our service stack. Vade for M365 offers advanced protection against dynamic, email-borne cyberattacks targeting Microsoft 365, including phishing, malware/ransomware, and spear phishing (business email compromise). Vade for M365 offers a native Microsoft Outlook user experience and an added layer of protection over Microsoft’s built-in security layers, catching 10x more advanced email threats than Microsoft.

About Vade
• 1 billion mailboxes protected
• 100 billion emails analyzed / day
• 1,400+ partners
• 95% renewal rate
• 15 active international patents

Find out more about how Vade for M365 can help protect your organization.

Vade for M365 Overview

Vade for M365 Data Sheet

Microsoft retiring basic authentication

Beginning on October 1st Microsoft will begin retiring the basic authentication procedure for Exchange Online. This will include anyone using Microsoft 365 for Exchange email. The reason for the change is that Basic Authentication is quickly becoming a target for attackers, and Modern Authentication methods are more secure. Here’s an update from Microsoft regarding this.

To answer some common questions you may have:

  • No. App passwords will no longer work.
  • No, this does not mean MFA must be configured (Although it’s 2022. If you don’t have MFA configured now….)
  • No, Basic authentication won’t be disabled for everyone in one go. It’s a phased thing that lasts October until December. By Jan 1, all tenants are disabled.
  • Yes, if Outlook is currently using Basic Authentication you have configured it yourself using registry keys.
  • Yes, SMTP Auth will also be disabled later on, but only if it’s currently not in use in the tenant. You will have the option to reenable that.

You can read more details about it from Microsoft here.

If you are unsure how this affects your organization then contact us for more information.

hosted-exchange-logo1 Microsoft retiring basic authentication

Avoid Ransomware attacks

Ransomware has quickly become one of the biggest forms of malware attacks in the world. Many organizations have been affected throughout the world and no one is safe from the possibility of these infections making their way onto your system. Here are a few tips on how to avoid being infected.

Keep Windows updated!

  • There’s nothing more important than to keep Windows updated with the latest patches available for your version. Unless there’s reason not to, you should set Windows Updates to run automatically and set it for a time when you’re not using your computer. The key here is to make sure the system is turned on and not in sleep mode when the updates are set to run.

R_consumer4 Avoid Ransomware attacks

Paid Security Software.

  • There are some free antivirus/antimalware programs available online but the truth is the best ones are the paid versions. In this field you really do get what you pay for and a full Internet Security solution is your best bet. Most packages run $30-$60/year depending on features.

Don’t click that link/open that attachment!

  • Almost all malware infections including Ransomware come through either an infected email attachment, or a hijacked link on a web page.
  • Don’t open an attachment in an email if you were not expecting it or do not know the sender.
  • Beware of emails or websites that could contain hijacked links.
    • Before clicking any link in an email or on a web page hover over the link with your mouse. The actual web page the link points to will appear in the bottom left-hand portion of your web browser. If the link looks suspicious at all do not click on it.

These are just a few things that can be done to protect against Ransomware and other forms of malware infections. Contact us now to find out how our custom security solutions are designed to protect your systems and data from Ransomware attacks.